Saks med motstand, for å oppnå høyere presisjon når man klipper.
Godt egnet til plastplater, mindre karosserier, dekaler, maskering og mer. Lar deg klippe i polykarbonat (lexan) opp til 0.4mm tykkelse, plast opp til 0.5mm, samt dekaler og papir opp til 0.5mm.
Bladet er 12mm langt. Selve saksen er 115mm lang.
Fra produsenten:
These scissors have a tweezer grip so they cut when it is pushed together, helping keep your hands away from the target area and making them ideal for precision jobs such as the cutting out of Mini 4WD model bodies, as well as snipping off decals, stickers and even masking stickers. Their stainless steel blades give a consistent, long lasting freshness of cut, and the handle features a printed black Tamiya twin star logo. A safety cap is included. |
Specifications ●Total length: 115mm ●Blade length: 12mm ●Material: Stainless steel |
Appropriate subject materials ●Polycarbonate up to 0.4mm thick ●Plastic plate up to 0.5mm thick ●Clear plastic plate up to 0.4mm thick ●Paper, decals, stickers, etc. up to 0.5mm thick |
Materials not to be cut ●Metal ●Carbon fiber & FRP plate ●Carbon or glass fiber reinforced plastic ●Sandpaper |
Information is current as of September 29, 2020. Specifications are subject to change without notice.