Informasjon på engelsk:
★Dual joints ensure smooth rotation, even when axles are at an angle, and improve suspension action. ★Great for use with direct couplings. ★Components are crafted in highly durable steel. ★Can be used with reversible suspension arm designs such as TRF417, TA06, TA05, TB Evo.5 (requires compatible suspension mount size). ★1050 (3mm thickness) ball bearings x2 included.
TA07 MS Chassis / TA07 MSX Chassis / TA06 MS Chassis / FF-04 EVO Chassis / TB Evo.6 Chassis / TB Evo.6 MS Chassis / TB Evo.7 Chassis / TRF419 Chassis / TRF419X Chassis / TRF419XR Chassis / TRF420 Chassis: Kit standard
TT-02 TYPE-S Chassis / TT-02 TYPE-SR Chassis: Use with 42239.