Smøring for mekaniske fartskontrollere. Spesielt interessant produkt for de som vil overhale eldre vintage biler, hvor de ønsker å beholde den orginale elektronikken.
Mer informasjon på engelsk:
Designed for use on R/C speed controllers to prevent arcing,
increase current flow and lengthen contoller life.
Your speed controller, in order for it to do the job properly, must
work smoothly and respond to the slightest movement of the
transmitter control. This switch lubricant will provide you with
a speed controller that responds correctly each and every time!
A plastic screw-on applicator tip (with lid) is provided.
INCLUDES: One Tube of Switch Lubricant
SPECS: Net Weight: 10g
COMMENTS: Do not overspray this lubricant with any type of spray lubricant.