Adopter og ta deg av lekne ZhuZhu Puppies som er fulle av liv: Howser, Sabrina, Miss Priss, Dakota, Loolah og Murphy! Du er ansvarlig for å mate og bade ZhuZhu Puppies og gjøre rent etter dem. De finner på masse tull hele tiden! Du får mulighet til å delta i nye aktiviteter hver dag, og du får belønninger når du gjør en bra jobb!
Samlerutgave med Freckles figur.
Informasjon på engelsk:
ZhuZhu Puppies allows players to adopt and take care of a playful and energetic puppy. Pet owners are responsible for maintaining their puppy, including regular feeding, bathing, and walks. In addition, players must clean up any messes puppy has caused.
If players do a good job of taking care of their puppy before their mum or dad comes home, they will be rewarded with an allowance. The player can take their hard-earned allowance to the pet store, where they can buy treats and toys for their puppy.
Most importantly, players will get to play a variety of games with their puppy. The game mixes classic puppy games like fetch and chase with new games such as catching bubbles or a sing along. Players can even dress their dogs up using a variety of collars and hats!
- Brand Extension – everyone loves puppies!
- Choose from7 different ZhuZhu Puppies to adopt.
- Earn an allowance that can be used for new puppy accessories.
- Keep your puppy out of trouble!
- Play games with your puppy such as catching bubbles or a sing along.
- Walk, feed, bathe, and clean up after your new best friend.
- Pick-ups and upgrades galore.